The automated marketing machine for guest engagement, data capture, and content creation. Designed for retail installations and live events.
News: We've Partnered With Pylon to Help Live Events Reopen Safely Post COVID. #TheShowMustGoOn
Celebrities Love Stori
Join the 5 Million +Stories told around the globe with our selfie cameras

Featured Experiences
Produce Share-worthy Video & Photo Content
Customers Love Us
”We've Turned Our Happiest Customers into Volunteer Marketers.
Will ManansalaFat Sals / Marketing Director

Build relationships, create share-worthy content, make memories, and have fun.
Enjoy meaningful engagements with your community and turn every guest video/photo into an authentic social ad.
Provide an awesome digital experience and grow your social media presence and marketing list.
Two Ways to Work With Us
Rent For Events
For single or multi-day events
Own For Retail
For retail Installations and agency partners